Joint CICA-EIC Conference on Collaborative Contracting

29 November 2024

‘Now is the right moment to promote Collaborative Delivery Models! In times of scarce public funds and an increasing lack of skilled workforce as well as growing demands, e.g. on climate change, we have to deliver more with less resources. For the construction industry this means to move from adversarial to collaborative behaviour.’ This was the conclusion drawn by the EIC President, Benoît Chauvin, on the joint CICA-EIC Conference on Collaborative Contracting which took place on 26 November 2024 in Paris.

The scene for the discussion was set by Prof David Mosey CBE who familiarised the audience, consisting of construction industry representatives from four continents, with established procurement and contract tools that can create an integrated team approach. The second key-note speech was delivered by the Chairman of the FIDIC Contracts Committee, Vincent Leloup, who gave an overview of the current work of the various FIDIC Task Groups.

EIC’s Vice President, Gustavo Martínez, took the opportunity to announce the EIC Position on Collaborative Delivbery Models which is currently under construction and will be published in early 2025. He presented EIC’s ’10 Golden Rules for Collaborative Delivery Models (CDM). When these rules are observed, these type of contracts can be the right approach for complex projects where clients have the required project management capacity and skills.

Further panelists in the session on Collaborative Delivery Models were Christophe Debeuf, Member of EIC’s CDM Working Group, who shared an informative case study on a successful collaborative infrastructure project executed in Latin America. Experts from NEC and FIDIC familiarised the audience with the tools offered by their respective organisations to integrate collaborative tools into construction contracts.

The Concept Note developed by EIC and CICA for the event can be downloaded below.