Workshop Registration
Building the change: How can construction help lead the way to 2050?
Opening Keynote Speech
Mr. Karel Lannoo
Chief Executive Officer, The Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Building the change: How can we ensure a competitive, resilient single market?
Moderator: David Rose
Philippe Moseley
Team Leader, DG Grow, European Commission
Paola Malabaila
Vice-President of ANCE, CEO of Malabaila & Arduino Construction
Renaud Digoin Danzin
Chief Strategy Officer, Bouygues Construction Group
Nina Kreutzman
President, Standing Committee Building, EFBWW
Coffee Break & Networking
Business Opportunities for European Contractors in the Context of the EU Global Gateway
Moderator: David Rose
Georges Alé
Founder & CEO, SDP Consulting
Navigating Africa´s Infrastructure Landscape
Sergio Oliete Josa
Head of Unit Sustainable Transport and Urban Development, DG INTPA, European Commission
Sustainable Investments in the Transport Sector under the EU Global Gateway
Richard Amor
Director, Partnerships for Impact, EIB Global
The Role of the EIB in the EU Global Gateway
Ines Ferguson
President EFCA, Observer of the EU Global Gateway Business Advisory Group
Strategic Procurement to Deliver EU Global Gateway Investments
Closing Remarks by FIEC & EIC Presidents
Philip Crampton, FIEC President
Benoît Chauvin, EIC President
Business Lunch